Summer School: Circular Economy and Urban Prototyping

For the first time, Circular Berlin in collaboration with TU Berlin organised an Online Summer School. Seven Students with diverse backgrounds from Europe, the UK, Switzerland, and Hong Kong as well as two professionals took part in the three-week long programme. The central question of the Summer School was: how...

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Exploring fashion supply chains in times of crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic has had far-reaching consequences for global markets and their manufacturing. The crisis has exposed the lack of resiliency specifically within the fashion industry supply chain, while simultaneously highlighting positive opportunities rising from the crisis. Circular Berlin wanted to explore the role of circularity in creating a more...

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Breaking it down: plastic packaging

Flexible packaging? Rigid packaging? Transportation packaging? Food-contact related packaging? - It is not easy to bring this topic under one term, even though we call all it “packaging.” On February 26th, Circular Berlin together with RawParadise and Project Together hosted our first event in 2020, where we shared our knowledge...

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Berlin’s path to a circular city – time to start

Cities are major centres of the human population, economic capital, natural resource use, and waste generation. In Circular Berlin we strongly believe that the Circular City is the future approach to address the pressing topic of resources. Here is how we define it for our work:   Resources are sourced locally, if possible, used only if truly needed, and their value is maintained as part of a continuous...

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Circular Berlin at the 3rd PLATE Conference

PLATE stands for Product Lifetimes and the Environment and is a conference series organised by Fraunhofer IZM and Technical University Berlin. This year, it took place from 18-20th of September in Berlin. Circular Berlin was present with a poster about the CURE project entitled ‘Centers for Urban Re-manufacture: Lessons from...

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Kickstarting Circular Food in Berlin

2019 has been a year of a lot of movement in Berlin. For Circular Berlin (CB)  this reality also applies. Different projects, workshops and initiatives have been developed during the year in order to promote and enhance the vision of circular economy among the entrepreneur community in our beloved city. ...

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