For the first time, Circular Berlin in collaboration with TU Berlin organised an Online Summer School. Seven Students with diverse backgrounds from Europe, the UK, Switzerland, and Hong Kong as well as two professionals took part in the three-week long programme. The central question of the Summer School was: how can we live together more sustainably by introducing circular urban systems.

In the first week, the participants got familiar with the trans-disciplinary concept of Circular Economy by reading literature and case studies. The second week was all about input from different perspectives including insights into current practices from the following sectors: construction, food and biomass, and fashion and textiles. Apart from that, a theoretical overview with examples from the field was offered. In the final week, the participants were designing prototypical solutions using the concept of Circular Economy. They applied it to a system or a service or a product in their own city and presented the results in a visually appealing way. All the participants were very engaged and developed a profound understanding of the topic. They learned the most relevant theory behind Circular Economy, got an overview of a wide range of examples, got insights into current practices and learned how to transform their own context. The course was taught online only and used a range of techniques such as webinars and online workshops including group work, live lectures, case studies, guided design as well as live chats and discussions.

We would like to thank the Summer University team at TU Berlin for their great efforts in coordinating the course and hope that this was not the last time we worked together. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Georg Hubmann for more information.