Circular economy in the Berlin food sector: Workshop results

On the 26.02  Circular Berlin together with the partners Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie, visitBerlin, HealthCapital, and BeShared hosted our third multi-stakeholder workshop on the topic of Circular Economy potentials for Food and Biomass streams in Berlin and Berlin religion. The challenges of food waste, unsustainable agriculture and alternative ways...

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Connecting economy with circularity

The world is full of wonderful projects, where people strive for positive changes! We are very proud to be featured among them in the movie Towards Human City, together with Open Source Circular Economy Days, and Natural Building Lab. The project Towards the Human City aims to identify, document and...

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Circular cities of the 21st century, how are they defined and where is best practice?

Contributor author to Circular Berlin: Piyush Dhawan , German Chancellor Fellow 2017-18 working on the topic of Circular Economy and Circular Cities. Parag Khanna, in his book Connectography has beautifully written that “cities are mankind’s most enduring and stable mode of social organization, outlasting all empires and nations over which they have...

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Die Diskussion „Was brauchen wir für ein Circular Berlin?“

Läuft alles rund in Berlin? Eine Diskussion zur Kreislaufwirtschaft in der Hauptstadt Die Open Source Circular Economy Days 2018 (#OSCEdays) brachten die Diskussion um die Zukunft der Kreislaufwirtschaft der deutschen Hauptstadt zum EUREF-Campus. Was brauchen wir für ein „Circular Berlin“? Diese Frage stellte sich Dina Padalkina, Gründerin von Circular Berlin....

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