Circular economy in Berlin’s food sector – workshop

To kickstart circularity in Berlin’s food sector, we conducted a dialog between local food producers, zero-waste caterers and organizations working with food waste prevention.


Circular Berlin


Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie, visitBerlin HealthCapital,  BeShared 


February 2019

The challenge

A lot of work has already been done in Berlin in the field of food waste prevention, but wasteful behavior still prevails. How closing the nutrient cycle from consumer biomass back to agriculture works in practice is not yet well understood, which is a major hurdle on the way to a sustainable agricultural policy. The lack of connection between food producers and consumers (e.g. retail, restaurants) in both Berlin’s city and region does not allow a match of demand and supply for sustainable production.

Our approach

In the workshop, we addressed the challenges of food waste, unsustainable agriculture and alternative ways of dealing with biomass. 

The outcome

The challenges of food waste, unsustainable agriculture and alternative ways of using biomass were addressed during the workshop with the following results:

  • Many initiatives were identified regarding food waste prevention, but no substantial improvement
  • Potential to explore the nexus of biomass and agriculture
  • Lack of connectivity between food producers and consumers identified

We hosted more than 70 professionals from diverse groups related to the sector.

Project contact person

Dina Padalkina c copy

Dina Padalkina

Founder & CEO, City & Built Environment Lead

Email | LinkedIn