Striving for Impact within a circular economy.

In our community of changemakers, such words as: “mission”, “impact”, “change”, and “transformation” are used quite often. Every new social and environmental organization has set up big and ambitious goals to change the current system towards becoming more sustainable, inclusive, fair and social.  Within Circular Berlin, we believe that the...

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The steps to realise circularity in construction projects

In 2020 Circular Berlin is part of the project City Loops, with such partners as Provadis Hochschule (Germany), Wuppertal Institute (Germany), CleanTech Bulgaria (Bulgaria), Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation (United Kingdom). The core of the project is to bring circular economy thinking for the practitioners using advanced circular economy tools such...

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Education in a Circular Economy

Transitioning to a circular economy requires a lot: business innovation, consumer behavior change, new policy frameworks, community engagement. But one thing has to happen before any of those changes can take place: people need to learn what the circular economy is, and how to make it happen. Behind every business...

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Material design as a building block of Circular Economy process

Prepared together with Naveedh Ahmed Sekar, Environmental and Resource Management Materials play a central role in the current Circular Economy debates. Biodegradable? Recyclable? Fair and transparent? Not toxic? Independently of an industry, search for the best material match to the product specification and function is a challenge. It remains the hot...

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