Tech and Spaces: enabling circularity with photonics and material science

Through this project, we will explore the potential of Deep Tech applications and co-creation spaces for accelerating and implementing a circular economy in various industries in Berlin and beyond. Working from Adlershof, Germany’s leading science and technology park, we will map and connect stakeholders in the fields of Optics, Photonics and Material Sciences (OPM). 


Berlin Senatsverwaltung Wirtschaft, Energie und Betriebe (SenWeb)


Creative Climate Cities, WISTA


April 2024 – December 2025

The challenge

Circular strategies such as resource-efficient design and production, repair, refurbishment, remanufacturing, and recycling are often hindered by technical or physical hurdles which make these activities too expensive or difficult to carry out. Luckily, the latest advances in Deep Tech in the fields of Optics, Photonics and Material Sciences (OPM) are creating new possibilities for improving industrial processes in several sectors. Examples include the use of lasers to separate battery cells from one another to enable reuse and recycling, the application of biochar as advanced material for construction, and the use of near-infrared LED light to sort garments for recycling. 

However, we currently lack an understanding of the possibilities for cross-sector ‘pollination.’ This makes it difficult for relevant actors along the value chain to connect and explore opportunities for circular collaboration. Berlin Adlershof hub shows great potential for exploring this untapped potential and fostering new connections and collaborations. 

Our approach

The project aims to identify new circular applications for OPM technologies across industries, to connect relevant actors, such as technology providers, end users, and industry representatives, and to enhance circular collaborations in different industries. We’re also aiming to increase awareness and visibility of circular solutions, business models, and practices in Berlin and beyond. 

The planned project activities will unfold in 3 phases:

  • Collecting the Dots: we will first assess the Adlershof ecosystem and locally-developed OPM technologies to understand how these can enable circularity in other industries. 
  • Connecting the Dots: once we have a clear overview of the local potential, we will organise a series of networking events and co-creation workshops to connect stakeholders and facilitate the exploration of new circular collaborations between them. 
  • Scaling the Dots: the knowledge and insights gathered will be shared with the broader Berlin community. In order to raise awareness and understanding of the opportunities offered by the circular economy, Berlin-based circular businesses will be invited to share their lessons-learnt in a series of lunch-time webinars.

The outcome

A comprehensive analysis of industry stakeholders present at the science and technology park at Berlin Adlershof and of local OPM technologies as well as their potential to advance circularity in other economic sectors. Two series of interactive events: one targeted at the relevant stakeholder group to enhance circular cross-collaborations and foster capacity-building activities, and one aimed at Berlin-based innovators, professionals, and entrepreneurs for awareness-raising purposes. 

Further steps

Discover more about the leading future hub Adlershof.

Project Contact Person


Stefan Aufrichter

Project Management Tech & Spaces
