Circular City Challenge 2.0: Nach intensiven Matchmaking starten 23 Kreislauf-Lösungen in die Umsetzung

In the Circular City Challenge 2.0, which was launched in August 2023, the 20-member jury, made up of city representatives from over 4 cities and municipalities, nominated the most promising solutions and approaches from the more than 120 submissions. From the large number of interesting projects, 23 concepts were particularly...

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CircularPSP: Call for Tenders is open

The EU pre-commercial procurement project CircularPSP launched a €5.64 million tender (Contract Notice on TED) for Suppliers to design, develop and test an innovative ‘circular economy solution’ (CE-solution) that enables municipalities and their staff as well as businesses in the local economy to apply circular practice more quickly, frequently, widely and effectively. Individual users at...

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Circular Berlin’s 2023 in a nutshell

As we bid farewell to yet another impactful year, it's time to take stock of the incredible strides we've made at Circular Berlin. The past twelve months have been transformative, filled with challenges, successes, and an unwavering commitment to our mission of circularity. Let's journey through the highlights of our...

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